VR Super Jumping Drop Tower Simulator

The Drop Tower Simulator is a very popular sports simulation device commonly used in amusement parks or indoor entertainment centres. It simulates a real jumping machine experience for players through highly realistic dynamic effects and immersive visual experiences.

VR super jumping Drop Tower Simulator New Launch
Soar, Fall, and Conquer Your Fear!

VR Super Jumping utilises advanced force feedback technology and a high-speed lift system to create the realistic feeling of instant weightlessness and rapid descent. The high-definition VR headset showcases an overhead perspective that makes players feel as if they are in the clouds. The high-precision dynamic seat combined with special effects sound allows players to feel the whole process from slow climbing to extremely fast falling. Sturdy seat structure and multiple safety systems ensure the highest level of safety while players experience the ride.

Specifica dettagliata

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nome del prodotto VR Super Jumping
Taglia del prodotto L2250*W1600*H27100MM
Peso 500 KG
Voltaggio 220V
Energia 3.8 chilowatt
Quantità di gioco 5 PZ
Tempo di esecuzione 5 Min
Giocatore 2 Giocatori

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