VR Flying Simulator

Everyone has a dream of flying. Movie Power’s VR flying simulator offers immersive & free flying experience like a bird and popular attraction for your VR business.

Explore VR Flight Simulator

Virtual reality flight simulators suit for various entertaining and educated occasions, such as VR station, museum, airports, etc.

VR Paraglider

VR Paraglider

Taking classic paragliding as the product design inspiration, combining the mountain shape and umbrella bag design. Create an extreme VR experience device with market differentiation, convey the adventurous spirit of flying freely and moving forward courageously.

VR Super Fighter 2P

VR Super Fighter 2P

VR Super Fighter 2P is a two-players VR flight fighter simulator that is equipped with multiple flight combat games, allowing players to experience the virtual reality experience of flying a fighter jet

VR Super Fighter 1P

VR Super Fighter 1P

VR Super Fighter is an advanced virtual reality flight simulator that adopts the appearance of a fighter jet and perfectly restores the cockpit of a fighter jet. It is designed for flight enthusiasts and gamers.

VR Super Time-Machine

VR Super Time-Machine

A new generation of trackless 360° ten-ring VR roller coaster. 2.7㎡ Passenger Flow Explosive Products, Strong Experience Creates High Profitability.

VR Super 360

VR Super 360

VR Super 360 is a two-seater virtual reality roller coaster game experience VR device that simulates a thrilling ride experience by utilizing 360-degree video and immersive technology. 360 VR Roller Coaster is an attractive product for any business, shopping mall game park, VR park, arcade area or science museum.

VR Star Warship
VR Star Warship

VR Star Warship

Amphibious VR experience on land & air that simulates roller coaster, flight, driving & shooting at the same time. Stylish black warship design & large live screen attract customers. Fully protect from head to feet with safety belts, allowing to play with concern.

Numerous Immersive Games

Exciting VR flying game & movie types for you, including shooting, 360 roller coaster, and so on.

Dragon Warrior

Rapid Dive

Hyper Storm/Superstorm

Customers Experience Gallery

Favored for exploring fun & exciting experience, countless players enjoy the VR flying simulator and leave a deep impression.

Supports For Your VR Arcade Project

Movie Power endeavours to smooth your business in effective ways.

Have A Business Project Already?

Consult our experts for turnkey solutions based on your ideas

All-in-One Solution to Grow Your Business

Customization Service

Customization Service

We aim to lubricate your scheme in flexible ways. In such cases, all our equipment can be customized in details for your business needs. Suitable for building a VR franchise business.

VR Theme Park

VR Theme Park

Except for a single machine, you can enjoy a one-stop business projects with us. Our consultants can help you expand and grow your business with a mini station and even a mega park.

What is VR Flight Simulator?

A VR Flight Simulator, also known as a Virtual Reality Flight Simulator, is a flight simulation software or game that is designed specifically to be used with virtual reality (VR) devices. It combines the immersive experience of virtual reality with the realistic simulation of flying an aircraft.

In a virtual reality for flight simulator, users wear a VR headset that allows them to feel as if they are inside the cockpit of an aircraft. They can look around in 360 degrees and experience the sense of depth and scale, which enhances the realism and immersion of the simulation. The user can interact with the aircraft’s controls and instruments using virtual hands or controllers, just as they would in a real cockpit.

an astronaut flying in the space

Can VR Help with Fear of Flying?

VR can be used to help individuals overcome their fear of flying. By using virtual flight simulations, individuals can gradually expose themselves to their fears in a controlled environment. The immersive nature of VR helps create a realistic experience, allowing users to desensitize themselves over time. Combined with cognitive-behavioral techniques, VR therapy has been found to be effective in reducing fear of flying.